22 December 2005

Big Boss dancing ecstatically

This photo is from the office holiday soiree, held at a local booty night club, Clancey's. Clancey's pub is notorious for catering to all the tourists, expats and government ministers' sons. These ministers' sons bascially live it up in the city, are associated with violent gangs, and literally get away with murder. There were several cases in the late 90s and beginning of millennium, where ministers' sons, doped up on hard drugs, killed (or their henchmen) clubgoers that insulted them in some minute way or another. Because of their immense wealth, there have been no investigations, so they are free to do as they please around the city. However, many locals tell me that if I go out with good people, who do not necessarily cause trouble or pick fights, I should be fine. Yet if I wanted to go clubbing regularly, I'd have gotten it out of my system in NYC. But adopting a Western-style nightlife is THE thing to do for most middle class locals. I've even been invited to a New Year's bash on the beach, but I'd rather see the country or hole up with my books...Anyway, the big boss is a very kind man, but a bit disconnected from his staff. Moreover, I've offered to housesit for him, while he visits his family in the States for holidays. He has a rabbit that I can play with, and a ludicrously large colonial mansion, complete with an army of servants. Most (except for security) are off while away. This is how development workers' live...secluded behind high walls, perpetuating the divisions between local staff and international folks in positions of authority.

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