24 January 2006

I'm ok

First rounds of grenade blasts in Colombo today. No one killed or injured. Apparently, unrelated to LTTE/nationalist government conflict, more to do with druglord underworld in cahoots with corrupt police. But grenades went off in a friend's neighborhood and spossedly near mine. Luckily, I was on my way back from Anaradhapura, Polonnuwura and several other ancient cities in the Cultural Triangle when they happened so no worries here. On an even more depressing note, 2 colleagues' fathers died over the weekend, actually on the same day as each other. Unrelated, one from a stroke and one from a long-time illness. They are inconsolable. In addition, Canadian leftism died on Monday, with right-wing, Alberta, anti-aborginal, nutjob Steven Harper getting into Prime Minister's seat. A good thing for Bush and cronies, a terrible thing for socialism, state-funded healthcare, preservation of natural resources, inexpensive education and transportation...WTF happened??!

Let's cross fingers that talks with Norwegians and Sri Lankan government go well.

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