12 February 2006

Cultural Triangle: Anaradhapura, Polonnuwura & (Kandy)

I cannot comment on everything I've seen during my visit to 2/3 of Cultural Triangle. Our group of 6 went to the first two sites. I would recommend looking into Sri Lanka's fascinating history, from a proper history/humanities book. Essentially, Anaradhapura was at its peak from 4-5th C BC to 5-6th C AD, Polonnuwura from 7th C to 13-14th C AD, and Kandy 13-14th C AD until colonial occupation by Portuguese, Dutch, then English. Sri Lanka was thriving when Europe was still trying to figure out sanitation and literacy! Amazing to see that at Polonnuwura there were hospitals, libraries, and numerous cultural centres. (But I have no pictures from Polonnuwura as the camera battery died). Truly a memorable experience, and I became quite fond of the island's wildlife (cows, water buffaloes, monkeys, birds and elephants).

Remains of Vessagiriya Monastery are now scattered rock debris, home to several cows.

At the Citadel, or Royal Palace, flourescent moss covers walls marking the perimeter of each building. The expansive site sprawls through thick, lush forests. The Mahapali Refrectory (no photo) was a sort-of dining area, with an enormous stone trough filled with rice to feed the 5000 monks in the adjoining villages. In times of famine, kings and nobility would also stop for a meal.

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