18 August 2006

Fighting monks

To clarify, the school that was bombed by the Government of Sri Lanka in the north, was, in fact, a school for orphaned girls. GoSL had the coordinates, knew it was a regular school, committed the war atrocity anyway.

To add to the horror and sorrow, a beloved advocate for peace and research partner at Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA), Mr. Ketheesh Loganathan. He was gunned down at his home by anonymous assailants, government blaming LTTE, but government could be behind it or know more than is telling. Mr. Loganathan worked as Deputy Secretary General of the Peace Secretariat for the government of Sri Lanka, and headed the Poverty and Conflict Analysis unit at CPA until this past April. Definitely telling that academics, activists, scholars are targets and it is hard to find independent news source.

In a separate incident, right-wing Buddhist monks picked fights with anti-war protestors at one of the main parks in Colombo, yesterday evening. Swinging punches for peace? Chanting fascism intermingled with promises of intransient being?

An interesting site on all that is Sri Lankan: http://www.indi.ca/

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