04 December 2007

3,500 Tamils arbitrarily detained in Colombo

On Sunday, check points and security measures were amped up to the point that all buses, pedestrians and other vehicles were stopped and searched. In the process the army and police detained about 3,500 Tamils (some of whom were also Singhalese or Muslims) including children as young as 7 years old. This is all under the pretense that all Tamils are terrorists. In cramped, squalid detention centres, sometimes with a 100 people to a room or 100 people to one toilet, people wait out their detention and hoping for release. Opposition leaders and representatives from Tamil parties have been outcrying to the president for the release of the civilians. After two days nothing has been done. No rule of law, no justice, only misery and fear.

Seeking solidarity from you....


Anonymous said...

Happy Pongol!

Can you believe that your post from February 2006 is the first link if one were to Google 'Thai Pongol'. I know, because I did.

There's not even a Wiki entry. I was about to write one, but then I realized I know next to nothing about the holiday. And I'm a Sri Lankan Tamil. Ah, the parents would be proud...

I haven't made it through every post yet, but I might give it a shot. More to the point, am I the first person to comment? Awesome.

Anyhow, we'll see if you read your own blog based on any reply I receive.

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