01 January 2006

Vistas from Adam's Peak

About 20 minutes after the start of sunrise, it has engulfed the Peak and has begun its scorching 35-degree blaze. It makes finding your equilibrium long enough to walk down, doubly difficult. On the way down, I was introduced to a wonderful man, who is a shopkeeper on the peak. He says that usually the crowds thin and no one really climbs after 8am. So he sleeps until afternoon, then waits for supplies and the evening crowds. Many shopkeepers listen to radio or watch TV, and basically live up there. Because of the recent 40% crash in the Sri Lankan stock market due to economic instability and cautious investing with regards to pending civil war, many people from Colombo and other tourists do not want to travel to Adam’s Peak. For the most part, Sri Lanka is safe, and Colombo is safe as long as you are careful and have networks of support. Only the Northern and Eastern provinces have experienced recent violent clashing, such as attacks on 26 soldiers this past month. (I reckon it’s significantly lower than many casualties in American-led wars and murders within a state of similar population size).

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