29 April 2006

Temple Bayon in Siem Riep

Last month we held a regional orientation on trade-related issues and porjections of the Doha Development Round on meeting human development goals. Participants from all over Asia and Pacific region gathered in Siem Riep, and in the early mornings before the programme started I was able to visit some of the surrounding temples, including Bayon. Angkor Wat, the ancient Siamese capital had been abandoned when Thailand invaded it around 12th century. Malaria outbreaks and the high cost of running the massive city contributed to rulers' languid approach when invaders took over. For several centuries the city was left in ruins, for the rainforest to devour it. In 1920s a French traveller came across the intricately carved faces of Bayon, peering out eerily behind the jungle's curtains.

1 comment:

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