08 December 2005

Drunken elephants create havoc

The other day a herd of wild elephants drank fermenting Goda, a kind of moonshine?, at an illegal liquor den in the jungle. When they wandered into human settlements in Galewela district they created havoc and wildlife protection officials had to light firecrackers to chase away the herd. However, the elephants really enjoyed themselves, so they returned to the distillery at dawn on Sat, and ended up destroying crops in Wetakolupotha, Ulpathyaya, Narangasyaya and Meegasyaya villages..heheheeee!!!! -(from Daily Mirror, Tues, 6 Dec).


Alissa said...

your life is surreal you know....hmmm...

in other news, you seem to have taken to blogging quite well eh ;)

Alissa said...

you shouldn't talk of violence and coups on the net, you never know who's reading ;)
i noticed you had a mobile number but thought it must've surely been a typo. traitor...sellout...well i can't really talk, i'm getting a laptop soon enough, maybe a cell phone is on the horizon, ha!
you will write about hong kong, won't you? and post preeeetty pictures?
i'm going to see king kong tonight...not quite as exciting as your kong.
safe travels, speak to you soon!