06 December 2005

More Excessive Wealth on the Island Still Coping with Tremendous Poverty

Despite some of this obvious hypocrisy and contradiction, I met some wonderful (and some lunatic egocentric) people at this training workshop. We have alot to do in edumacating the media about issues related to social justice and human development, namely that poverty is not a choice, impoverished people are not lazy, incompetant or unskilled, and that the paradigm of (economic) development predicated on tiers of technology, i.e. that agriculture -->garment/textiles --> industry --> services -->militarism -->supreme being --> nirvana, is unacceptable and grossly false! Anyway, below are some pictures of Dr. Saman Kelegama, Director of Institute on Policy Studies in Colombo, at sunrise...

1 comment:

Alissa said...

fantastically beautiful pics, i wanna goooo! i'm so happy for you!